Rules & Regulations

  1. On  class days and at school functions the childrens are expect to wear the uniform prescribed.
  2. The children are strictly forbidden to purchase any article of food from unauthorised vendors near the school premises.
  3. Any kind of damage done with the school premises must be paid for by the students concerned.
  4. Bag, Books, Tiffin Boxes etc. should bear the name of the owner .The school is not responsible for any loss of stationaries, books etc.
  5. The school will not be responsible if children are found missing after the school hours. Parents are requested to instruct their children not to go to the homes with friends/relatives without their permission.
  6. Change of residence and phone number should be notified to school.
  7. All the students from Std.1 and above are compulsory to speak and write  in English at school.
  8. Misbehaviour in public streets conveyances justifies dismissal.Any objectionable conduct is liable to disciplinary action.


Emphasis should be given on personal cleanness and neatness of the children.The students are bound to come to school in the following uniform.

For Boys : Pink colour shirts with half sleeves,Bottlegreen half pant ,Black shoes & white socks,Identity card ,tie and belt.

For Girls : Bottlegreen Tunic, Pink colour shirt, Black shoes & White socks, Identity Card, tie and belt.

In Winter : A pullover cardigown/sweater as specified by the school.

On Friday : White dress, shoes and socks for boys and girls.


The school will provide the tie ,belt and identity card on payment.Each student should bring his her identity card to school everyday.

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