- The school session has two terms half yearly and Annual Examination.There are two terminal test held in a year.One Tests before half-yearly and another one after half-yearly.
- Absence from a subject test excludes the pupil from being reckoned in the order of merit in an examination.
- Any malpractice detected during or subsequent to an examination is punishable with expulsion from the examination Hall.The answer paper of such a student will not be assessed.Further action may be taken which is at the Principal’s discretion.
- The student who will not attend the examination should report to the Principal with sufficient cause.
Class promotion are determined strictly according to the performance of the children taking into account all the three examinations noted above.The pass mark in each subject is 40%.Students passing in all the subjects shall be declared to have been promoted to the next higher classes on merit.
75% Of attendance is a must for promotion for next higher class.On medical ground ,attendance can be condoned by 10% only by the president of productions of medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner .For continuous absence of a child for 30 days or more ,the name may be struk off the rolls without notice.
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